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An endless escape

First day of release and first presentation on March 1st by our Group and Kaledis publications in Piraeus. “An endless flight”, the new book of the beloved author Alkyonis Papadakis, who of course answered all the questions of friends who attended the presentation and signed copies of the books.

The book was presented by the EPA. Dr. Philosophy E.K.P.A., television producer-journalist and member of our Group, Anna Nikolaidis.

Excerpts read by the beloved actress, Peggy Trikaliotis.

A few words about the book:

A woman’s diary, her journey, with the stories of people who became stations in her life.

Human and true stories.

“I’ve always wanted to leave. Fly my soul like birds.

To feel the sweetness of an endless flight.

Not to leave for other places. From my own life to leave. Throwing the stop on my way. Tearing down the signs that marked routes. Stepping on the dividing lines. Defying speed limits. Leaving without a destination. A flight in the very run.

It’s like I’ve always been chased by myself. And as soon as I found a clearing, take a breath, bro, set up a tent to rest, the alarm went off inside me and it was clearing me.

On my way out, I left behind a lot of garbage.

But I left things very important.

Some jewels, say, expensive, that some had given me to decorate my soul…”

We warmly thank all the friends who attended the presentation as well as the guy who supported the event.

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