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Krissy Emilio Ioannidi – Maritime Tradition Award

Krissy Emilio Ioannidos – Maritime Tradition Award


Our maritime heritage, our maritime tradition with a history of millennia is a very important part of our history and culture.

The spread of Greek culture at the end of the world, the trade, development and defense of the country, were interlinked over the centuries with our maritime tradition.


One person who works incessantly to save and spread it is the Author and Researcher of Naval History Mrs. Krissy Emilio Ioannidos.

Krissy Emilio Ioannidos was born and lives in Athens. He studied psychology, etymology and history.

She is a author – Researcher of Maritime History (formerly Marine E.N.) specializing in issues and studies related to shipping in ancient Greece. The merchant and navy, its strategy and techniques, the tactical design and analysis of naval operations, ancient naval technology and shipbuilding, are one of the topics that it studies, explores and highlights.


Mrs. Krissy Emilio Ioannidos has published more than 100 articles-studies, monographs and analyses in special press magazines as well as in magazines published by specialized bodies such as the General Staff of the Navy and the Maritime Museum of Greece.


Some indicative titles are: The Minoan sailing ship. Short approach to the ship of Thira

– Trieris. A summary

– Introduction to the main warship of Byzantium “DROMON”

– The triacodoros (narrow long warship)



THE BLACK OF LADIS (494 BC) Strategic Mistakes

At the same time her books have been published: – The master. Elements of ancient Greek maritime law

It is a study of the powers and duties of the governor of ancient Greece in accordance with ancient Greek maritime law.

– Lamia, the famous courtesan, with which reveals to us the face behind the glow of the Great General, Demetrius Siege,-As well as the novel “As long as the color is fresh…”


She is the creator and manager of the blog Peri Alogos, through which she shares her research and knowledge with the general public and is a member of the Hellenic Institute of Strategic Studies EL.I.S.ME., and the Maritime Museum of Greece.

She is married to journalist & defense analyst John S. Theodorato and they have a daughter.


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