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Vera Messini – VolunteerIng Award


Vera Messini – VolunteerIng Award

At a time when poverty is advancing, – in a country where some of our fellow human beings are losing everything and destroying lives and families – at a time when no one can hope for state welfare, there are people who care, em sympathy, toil and struggle to pronounce lifelines. There are these great people who literally save lives.

Such a great modern Greek woman is Vera Messini.

He was born in Larissa and from a young age dreamed of becoming a psychologist.

In Greece, however, there was no corresponding university department at the time.

Coming to Athens, and having already obtained a diploma of English Secretaries and Translators, she fell into her hands with a brochure of Derre College, which gave data on the School of Psychology. Immediately enrolled in the school and continued with postgraduate studies and trainings in Systemic Psychotherapy etc.

In fact, out of her love for science, she contributed as Secretary General to the creation of the First Greek State School of Psychology in Crete.

Working as a psychologist-psychotherapist and as the crisis knocked on our door, it was time to prove that her love of psychology went from her deep love for man.

When she realized that they would literally go out on the street as homeless, two divorced women with their children, whom she supported psychologically for free, her soul rebelled.

The human suffering and social injustice that she herself received through her patients and other fellow citizens gave her the strength to achieve the impossible.

He founded the civil non-profit company “Human People” of which he is President and fought to live up to the vision of social housing, which would give shelter to the most vulnerable. To our fellow citizens who lost everything.

He had to prove to us literally that we can not only be called human beings, but also be deep, essentially and effectively human.

It has clearly proved that nothing is impossible.

The first apartment building, that of Bouboulinas Street, after it was repaired, gave shelter to families found in the street.

Then a second apartment building was inaugurated and then the “Human People” in collaboration with the Municipalities, began to rent separate apartments for people in need.

Once a week the “Human People” supply each family with food. The apartments are fully equipped with all the necessary, thanks to the constant struggle.

In addition to her wonderful charity work, Mrs Vera Messini is also a writer and how could she not have written such a sensitive and “Human Man”.

He’s written three books: “The day I lost you, now that I’ve found you…”,”Wonderful …. such as Life” and both from the Livani and the “Planetary Citizen” editions from the Archetype editions. I’m sure she’ll be telling the most beautiful stories to her son’s two children, her grandchildren who live in Larissa.

Vera Messini achieved what most of us would consider unattainable and continues. At a time of social collapse it continues to offer shelter, food and relief to those in such great need and teaches us how we can all become better people, “Human People”.


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It’s barbaric.

Barbaric is the good “life” to be humiliated and abused… It’s barbaric to fight for the obvious. Barbaric is the unprecedented sense of young people

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